Dante Hall - Chiefs Reciever and Punt and Kick Return

One of my teachers gave the assignment to make a webpage with at least 5 pages on our interests. I got
6. I really hope I get more than a C on THIS one. I hate talking about myself for the idiots I go
to school with. I guess at least she's not making me stand up and say stuff in front of everyone.

About me, I have one person I really call a friend. His name's JP and we both play football together. I'm
WR and P/K Return and he's the center. I'm short but speedy on the field and I love the rodeo
and football. I am on the internet alot and have a MySpace account "here"

Go Chiefs!

home | rodeo | justin mcbride and chris shivers | rodeo glossary | chiefs schedule and history | tony gonzalez | deer hunting | my uncle

made by chiefsfan88