The rodeo just rocks! My favorite event is bullriding. The basics of bullridin is easy. Hang on for 8 seconds with as much grace as possible. You get scored 2-100 points. 2 or 4 judges score you 1-25 for how well you stay on the bull, and match its moves. The other part is the bull itself, how wild he is. If he's a lame bull then you won't score as much, if he's a wild bull like Bodacious, you'll get scored higher on that part.Spurring the bull is not required but extra "style points" are awarded for doing so.
The other half of the score is based on the performance of the bull and how difficult he is to ride. Judges look for bulls with speed, power, drop in the front end, kick in the back end, direction changes and body rolls. A body rolls occurs when a bull is in the air and kicks either his hind feet or all four feet to the side. The more of these characteristics a bull displays during a ride, the higher the mark is for the bull. A bull is given a score even if the rider does not stay on for the full eight seconds. There has only been one 100 point ride in history, and 90 pointers are hard to get.
The clock begins when the bull's shoulder or hip crosses the plane of the bucking chutes and stops when the bull rider's hand comes out of the rope or he touches the ground. The bull rider must ride with one hand and is disqualified if he touches himself or the bull during the eight-second ride.
A cowboy doesn't pick his bull. One gets picked for him. He can also get a re-ride if the judges think the bull he rode wasn't as good as the others.
There's also 6 other events, bareback riding, saddle bronc or bronc bustin, barrel racing, team roping, steer wrestling aka bulldogging, and tiedown roping or calf roping.